Fury Unleashed
by Cheech
Expressions of the Unexpressed
I'm looking at week six (6) of my “back-to-boxing” training with Sensei
by Cheech
I love restorative practices. There's an interesting paradox with them, though. They're often not
We Leave it on the Mat
There is so much crap 💩 that piles up on us, isn't there? I think that it has to be brought down out of the head and into the body, taken off the shoulders, liquified into sweat 💦 and left somewhere. Don't leave the weight of the world 🌎 on your shoulders!
Zen (Not Frozen)
One of the ways I respond to stress is to freeze 🥶 in place and stop moving. Even though this is completely opposite of what would really be best for me, the immobility seems to happen before I know it. Then, it takes over and stays too long (like an unwelcome house guest).
Movement Practices
One of the most important movement practices, which is often neglected, is self-defense. Self-defense lies at the heart of every martial art. Modernity has mollified, sportified and distorted martial arts. Competition is seeking glory and perpetuating bitterness. Winning is a construct of the ego.